
Summer 2009 • Homer Thornberry & J.J. Pickle Federal BuildingS

For this site-specific dance the audience faced the J.J. Pickle building.  40ft aerial cloths hung in mid-air as 5 aerialists ascended above the plaza.  The cloths blew in the night wind as dancers partnered in the air, holding each other above the concrete.  A dancer descends from a zipline, walking through the towers of cloth into the building, later to dance down the building back to her zipline for her final journey to the other side of the plaza.  Rappellers descend, jumping down the wall face as dancers float along to building face. Inspired by our dear friend Tina Marsh,  Impermanence revered our eternal love amidst life’s ever-changing journey.

PRESS: The Austin Chronicle | Home on de Range

DATES: June 18-21 & 24-28, 2009

LOCATION: Homer Thornberry & J.J. Pickle Federal Buildings, 300 East 8th St