A Prayer for Peace

SeptEMBER 18–22 & 26–29. 2024
5508 Parkcrest Drive • Austin, texas


A Prayer for Peace is a poem in movement: a site-specific aerial dance work dedicated to joining our global community and those working for peace.

 As our world lives in the shadow of chaos, we offer as dancers an experience of beauty, transcendence, and compassion. 


Blue Lapis Light will be joined by live musicians:
Roberto Paolo Riggio, Nagavalli, and Jason McKenzie


This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, the Texas Commission on the Arts, and the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Thank you to the Asian American Cultural Center for supporting our work.


“Sally Jacques is the Christo of dance.”

– Stephen Mills, Artistic Director Ballet Austin

“Blue Lapis Light has soared since the first performance we attended years ago. Sunday night was not just cohesive, consistent, and striking: there were moments of sheer grace when, impossibly, one could almost hear the doors of transcendence creek open. Moments when one wished to embrace humankind at the sight of dancers in suspense, gliding across beams of light in seas of music, as toddlers danced below. Moments when a hundred personal worlds melted away and a hundred souls shared the emotion of a singular vision.

That is an artistic achievement, and it is yours.”

– Philippe Damboumet

“Wow, what a show, loved it, the best therapy!”

– Ken Atwater

“My wife and I recently watched the Seaholm performance of Belonging... It was excellent and captivating. Not only was your visual performance amazing, but the music that accompanied the performance was equally choreographed.”

– BH

“I cannot tell you what an awesome experience I had. I truly loved every moment! I am so grateful to have been a part of something so rewarding!”

– Lizzy Allen

The performance was incredible. It was truly one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen… I wept from the beauty of it for most of the show.

– Gretchen




Experience Blue Lapis Light in an intimate, outdoor setting, under the stars. This is a family-friendly show. Whether it be an outing with friends/family or a date night, we ensure a beautiful, breathtaking experience for everyone who attends.

No pets, please.


Wednesday–Sunday, September 18–22, 2024
Thursday–Sunday, September 26–29. 2024
Performance at 8:30pm


5508 Parkcrest Drive
Austin, TX 78731


Community Night: Wednesday, September 18
$25 All Seating

Seating is on a first come first serve basis within each section:
$25 Ground Seating
$45 General Admission
$65 Prime Seating

Pre-performance Gala Dinner: Sunday, September 22
Please join us by becoming a sponsor.

• • •
Cancellations due to inclement weather will be announced by 6:45pm on the BLL Facebook Page and the ticketing office will notify all ticket holders.


Contact jessica@bluelapislight.org





Purchase online , email jessica@bluelapislight.org or call 512-294-1688. Three sponsor levels include seats at the Gala Dinner on Sunday, September 22, 20234at 6:15pm (Chez Zee) and at the performance at 8:30pm (5508 Parkcrest Drive).


Peace $5,000

• One (1) table with eight (8) premium seats at the Gala Dinner, and eight (8) reserved seats at the performance following the dinner

• Logo (or name) prominently displayed at the gala, included in the event program, on posters at the event and promoted through social media and on BLL’s website

• Full-page ad in Belonging program

• Advance notice of BLL’s performances and events


JOY $3,500

• One (1) table with six (6) premium seats at the Gala Dinner, and six (6) reserved seats at the performance following the dinner

• Logo (or name) prominently displayed at the gala, included in the event program, on posters at the event and promoted through social media and on BLL’s website

• Half-page ad in the performance program

• Advance notice of BLL’s performances and events

• A swag bag for you and your guests


harmony $2,000

• One (1) table with eight (8) seats at the Gala Dinner, and eight (8) reserved seats at the performance following the dinner

• Logo (or name) included in the event program, on posters at the event and promoted through social media and on BLL’s website

• Advance notice of BLL’s performances and events


GRACE $1,500

• One (1) table with six (6) seats at the Gala Dinner, and six (6) reserved seats at the performance following the dinner

• Logo (or name) included in the event program, on posters at the event and promoted through social media and on BLL’s website

• Advance notice of BLL’s performances and events


compassion $1,250

• Four (4) premium seats at the Gala Dinner, and four (4) reserved seats at the performance following the dinner

• Logo (or name) included in the event program, on posters at the event and promoted through social media and on BLL’s website

• Quarter-page ad in Belonging program

• Advance notice of BLL’s performances and events


unity $600

• Logo (or name) included in the event program, on posters at the event and promoted through social media and on BLL’s website

• Advance notice of BLL’s performances and event


Auction Donors