Belonging, Part OnE
Fall 2017 & 2018 • Seaholm District Plaza
Belonging, Part One is an original sitework performance by Blue Lapis Light that highlights the beauty of our earth and our relationship to one another. The performance features aerial dancers on the Seaholm architecture with aerialists swinging from the stacks, ground dancers, and projection-mapped imagery focused on the sustainability of our environment.
Our earth is place of great wonder and beauty. Every animal, insect, tree, plant, mountain, desert, ocean, bird and human being belongs here. We are part of a great mystery, interconnected like the root system of trees, feeding and nurturing the other trees even as they themselves die off.
It has been said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, it is heard all the way around the world. Every act of kindness and compassion lifts the heartbeat of all of us. Every act of war and violence hurts us all.
This is the time for us as citizens of this planet to join together and to create the world we want, where we all belong, where we respect and honor our earth and one another.
Belonging, Part One explores our interdependence and relationship with the natural world by highlighting what happens to people when their lives are suddenly changed by climate conditions or acts of war.
Photographs by Earl McGehee & Mark Nathan
“Sally Jacques is the Christo of dance.”
– Stephen Mills, Artistic Director Ballet Austin
“Blue Lapis Light has soared since the first performance we attended years ago. Sunday night was not just cohesive, consistent, and striking: there were moments of sheer grace when, impossibly, one could almost hear the doors of transcendence creek open. Moments when one wished to embrace humankind at the sight of dancers in suspense, gliding across beams of light in seas of music, as toddlers danced below. Moments when a hundred personal worlds melted away and a hundred souls shared the emotion of a singular vision.
That is an artistic achievement, and it is yours.”
– Philippe Damboumet
“Wow, what a show, loved it, the best therapy!”
– Ken Atwater
“My wife and I recently watched the Seaholm performance of Belonging, Part One. It was excellent and captivating. Not only was your visual performance amazing, but the music that accompanied the performance was equally choreographed.”
– BH
“I cannot tell you what an awesome experience I had. I truly loved every moment! I am so grateful to have been a part of something so rewarding!”
– Lizzy Allen
The performance was incredible. It was truly one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen… I wept from the beauty of it for most of the show.
– Gretchen
PRESS: KLRU | Art in Context • CBS Austin • Fox 7 • The Austin Chronicle
DATES: September 20-24 & 28–October 1, 2017 • September 19-23 & 26-30, 2018
LOCATION: Seaholm District Plaza, 211 Walter Seaholm Drive, Austin, Texas 78701